Flower Shower is a powdered deodorizer and neutralizer.
Used as an additive to your cleaning solution while cleaning or as a post spray after cleaning.
It is unique because unlike other products that are watered down deodorizers, Flower Shower is a concentrate. 5 lb pail makes an incredible 80 gallons ready to use.
* Flower Shower is made for use while cleaning and post cleaning.
* It contains baking soda and perfume that control residual odors.
* The perfume smells like “fresh flowers” which gives the customer an instant fragrance. The baking soda (non sticky) absorbs residual odors that get vacuumed up at a later time.
During cleaning: Portables add 1 oz per gal in your cleaning solution tank. Truck-mounts add 12 to 24 oz
to your 5 gal truck-mount and meter normally.
After cleaning: As a post spray add 1 to 2 oz to 1 gallon of water and apply up to 800 sq ft – depending on
what the level of odor is.
Do not mix with chemicals with pH of less than 7.
Desoderante concentrado en polvo Flower Shower se usa durante y despu?s de la limpieza. Contiene bicarbonato de sodio y perfumes que controlan los olores residuales.
Los perfumes huelen a flores frescas, lo cual provee al cliente una fragancia instante de flores primaverales. El bicarbonato de sodio absorbe los olores residuales.
Durante la limpieza: Para m?quinas port?tiles, a?adir 1 onza fluida (30mL) por 5 galones (19L) en el tanque de soluciones limpiadoras. Para m?quinas truckmount, a?adir 2 a 4 onzas fluidas
(60 – 118 mL) por 5 galones (19L) de “stock”, como sea necesario.
Despu?s de limpiar: Como roc?o posterior, a?adir 1 onza fluida (30mL) a un gal?n (19L) de agua y usar hasta 800 pies cuadrados (74 metros cuadrados), dependiendo de la gravedad del olor que est?
intentando controlar. No mezclar con productos demasiados ?cidos (pH < 7).
Also see these other fragrances:
When we decided to make a new deodorizer, we invested in finding out what fragrance the homeowners liked the most. We…
Posted by Magic Wand on Friday, April 17, 2015
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